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QuickStart Guide on pot

This is an introduction at the usage of pot, a jail(8) wrapper based on ZFS and pf(4) that naively tries to emulate containerization on FreeBSD.

pot uses FreeBSD specific technologies, so you need a FreeBSD machine to run it.


99% of the operations needs root privileges. In this guide, we consider to be logged in as root

Note 2

ZFS is mandatory, so if you don't know what it is or you don't have a ZFS pool, please consider to read this quick guide.

Note 3

Some features, like memory limits and memory usage, rely on the resources limit framework, normally disabled. Even if it's not mandatory, it's suggested to enable it, with the following steps:

# echo kern.racct.enable=1 >> /boot/loader.conf
This settings will take effect at the next reboot.

Note 4

One of the 3 network configuration need VNET(9), the network subsystem virtualization infrastructure, enabled in the kernel.
On FreeBSD 12 and later, this kernel feature is already enabled and you don't need to do anything.
On FreeBSD 11.x, you have to rebuild the kernel, enabling the VIMAGE options, following the instruction reported here

Install pot

The installation process is pretty straightforward:

# pkg install -y pot
That's it, pot and its dependencies are installed, but we're not yet ready.


Under the folder /usr/local/etc/pot you'll find two files:

  • pot.default.conf
  • pot.conf

The pot.default.conf contains all the default values and it shouldn't be touched.
All needed changes have to be stored in the pot.conf file. Please take your time to give a look to this file and to change configuration accordingly to your system


The FreeBSD machine doesn't have to be the same version of your pot (jail). However, the hosting machine's version has to be greater or equal than the pot's one.
For instance, you can run a FreeBSD 10.4 pot on a FreeBSD 11.3 host. You cannot run a FreeBSD 12 pot on a FreeBSD 11.3 host.

So, we created a pot, named mypot, based on FreeBSD 11.3 consisting of one ZFS dataset.

Now you can start it or stop it, via:

# pot start mypot
# pot stop mypot
If you want to have a shell inside your pot:
# pot term mypot
# pot run mypot # an alias for start+term

A bit of diagnostic

Via the command:

# pot ls
# pot ls -v # more information
You can see a list of the pots available on you local machine. The verbose output would look like this:
pot name : mypot
    ip4 : inherit
    active : true
    base : 11.3
    level : 0
If you want to get some information on a specific pot, this command is more useful:
# pot info -v -p mypot
pot name : mypot
    type : single
    base : 11.3
    level : 0
    ip4 : inherit
    active : true
        start-at-boot: NO
        persistent: YES
        no-rc-script: NO
        procfs: NO
        prunable: NO
Some explanation of this output:

  • type: currently two types of pot are supported: single, based on one ZFS dataset, and multi, based on multiple ZFS dataset.
  • base: the FreeBSD version used to build this pot.
  • level: for single type pot the level is always 0. Levels are explained for the multi type pot.
  • ip4: the IPv4 address of the pot or the keyword inherit. By default, inherit is chosen, that means that this pot is sharing the same network stack of the running machine.
  • active: it's a boolean value, that tells you if your pot is running or not.
  • datasets: single type pots have only one dataset.
  • snapshot: the list of snapshots of this pot; currently empty.
  • attributes: attributes/properties of this this pot

If your pot is running, runtime information can be obtained via:

# pot start mypot
# pot show -p mypot
pot mypot
    disk usage      : 274M
    virtual memory  : 13M
    physical memory : 4820K
This command will show the current amount of resources used by this pot

Take a snapshot of your pot

Thanks to ZFS, taking a snapshot of your stopped pot is easy and super fast:

# pot stop mypot
# pot snap mypot
# pot info -v -p mypot
The snapshot's name is the Unix epoch and it's used to automatically determine the snapshot's chronological sequence.

Now you can restart it and do some real damage:

# pot run mypot
root@mypot:~ # rm -rf /*
root@mypot:~ # exit
# pot stop mypot
We have deleted almost every file in the pot, the pot cannot start again (feel free to try!) The snapshot can be used to revert all the modifications occurred between the time that the snapshot was taken and now, using the following command:
# pot revert -p mypot
# pot run mypot
The revert command will automatically select the newest snapshot available.

Attach a "volume" to your pot

Let's say that you want to attach a pre-existent "volume" to your pot. There are several way to do that, depending on what your volume is.

First volume type: fscomp

To support users managing ZFS datasets for pot, the concept of fscomp (AKA file system component) is introduced. You can create a file system component in the pot ecosystem, that can be attached to one or more pots.

When a fscomp is created, the underlaying ZFS dataset is created as well.

To create a fscomp, you can run:

# pot create-fscomp -f myfscomp
With this command, you have created an empty ZFS dataset, a "volume", that can be attached to one or more pots

A list of available fscomps can be obtained with the command:

# pot ls -f
To mount your new fscomp to a pot, you can use the command:
# pot mount-in -p mypot -f myfscomp -m /mnt
# pot info -p mypot -v
The -m mandatory option represents the mountpoint (absolute pathname) inside the pot.

The advantage of this approach, is that fscomp are recognized by the pot framework, and a set of features is provided, like snapshot, rollback and clone.

Second volume type: an already existent dataset

It could happen that you want to attach to a pot a pre-existing ZFS dataset and you don't want to create an empty fscomp and move all data there.

To add and external ZFS dataset, the command would be:

# pot mount-in -p mypot -m /mnt -z zroot/mydataset
The only difference is the different option used (-z instead of -f) and the argument of the option is not a fscomp name, but a generic valid ZFS dataset.

Third volume type: a generic directory

There two ways to make external directories available in a pot: mount them or copy them. The decision to mount or to copy is to the user to take, with obvious pros and cons.

To mount a directory, the command would be:

# pot mount-in -p mypot -m /mnt -d mydir
The directory mydir will be mounted at /mnt

To copy a directory, the command would be:

# pot copy-in -p mypot -s mydir -d /mnt
The directory mydir (and all its file) will be copied in /mnt, creating the directory /mnt/mydir

Forth volume type: a single file

For single files, only the copy option is available.

# pot copy-in -p mypot -s myfile -d /mnt
The file myfile will be copied in /mnt.

Common consideration

The mount-in command will change the configuration of the pot; the "volume" will be automatically mounted when the pot starts and unmounted when the pot stops. If you run mount-in when the pot is already running, the "volume" is mounted on the fly. A "volume" can be used with multiple pots. Potential problems, like concurrent access to the same files, cannot be managed by pot and are left to the user.

In order to mitigate concurrency access to the same fscomp, the option -r is introduced:

# pot mount-in -p mypot-ro -f myfscomp -m /mnt -r
# pot mount-in -p mypot-rw -f myfscomp -m /mnt
This option will inform the framework to mount myfscomp in mypot-ro in read-only mode, while in mypot-rw that same myfscomp is mounted in read-write mode.

Network configuration

During the creation phase, it's possible to specify which type of network our pot should use. pot supports three different type of network configurations: * inherit * alias (IPv4 or IPv6) n the host network interface * IPv4 address on the public internal virtual network * IPv4 address on a private internal virtual network

By default, inherit is the chosen one.

Network configuration: inherit

To use the inherit network type, a pot can be created with the following command:

# pot create -p mypot -t single -b 11.3 -N inherit
The option -N can be omitted, because inherit is the default value. The inherit type means that mypot will reuse the same network stack of the host machine. This network type works pretty well when your pot doesn't provide/export any network services, but it uses the network's host as client, like a pot created to build applications.

Network configuration: IPv4 or IPv6 alias

If your host is a network that support static IPs, you can assign one static IP address to your pot via this network configuration type. NOTE Be sure that in the pot configuration file (/usr/local/etc/pot/pot.conf) you have correctly set the variable POT_EXTIF; this network interface is the one used to route the network traffic and to assign the IP address. For example, your system has as IP address and your network administrator reserved you the additional IP address To assign the latter IP address to your pot you can create it with the following command:

# pot create -p mypot -t single -b 11.3 -N alias -i
# pot start mypot
# pot info -vp mypot
The alias will be assigned to the network interface during the start phase. Now, your pot is bound to the address When the pot is stopped, the alias will be automatically removed from the interface. More information about alias addresses on network interfaces are available in the man page of ifconfig(8)

Network configuration: public virtual network bridge

Thanks to VNET(9), pot supports an IPv4 virtual network. This network is configured in configuration file (/usr/local/etc/pot/pot.conf), so be sure you have it properly configured. This network type refers to a shared bridge where the public virtual network lives. All pots with this network type will share it. The virtual internal network is connected with the outside via NAT.

To help the pot framework and all users to manage the public virtual network, an additional package is required, normally automatically installed as dependency of the package pot. It's also manually installable via:

# pkg install potnet
To verify you virtual network configuration, this command can be used:
# potnet show
Network topology:
    network :
    min addr:
    max addr:

Addresses already taken:  default gateway  dns
The output is from my configuration (and also the default one), however your address' range can differ, depending on the configuration values you have adopted.

Optionally, you can start the virtual network via the command:

# pot vnet-start
This command will create and configure the network interfaces properly and will activate pf to perform NAT on the virtual network.

NOTE This command is automatically executed when a pot is configured to use the public virtual network. There is no need to run it manually.

The following command will create a pot running on the internal network:

# pot create -p mypot -t single -b 11.3 -N public-bridge -i auto
# pot run mypot
root@mypot:~ # ping
root@mypot:~ # exit
# pot stop mypot
The auto keyword will automatically select an available address in the internal virtual network and it's the default value, hence the -i option can be omitted. Commands like pot info -p mypot and potnet show will show you exactly which address has been assigned to your pot

If you prefer to assign a specific IP address of your virtual network to your pot, you can just do:

# pot create -p mypot2 -t single -b 11.3 -N public-bridge -i
pot will verify if the IP address is available and free to be used.

Network configuration: private virtual network bridge

The public virtual network has the downside that all pots share the same bridge, affecting isolation. To mitigate this issue, private virtual network has been introduced. A private virtual network is just a different bridge, that can be used to connect multiple pots, but it's not automatically shared with all pots.

First of all, to use a private virtual network a private bridge has to be created:

# pot create-private-bridge -B mybridge -S 4
This command will create a new private bridge, called mybridge, with a network segment big enough to connect 4 pots. Using potnet it's possible to check the details of the private bridge via the command:
# potnet show -b mybridge mybridge bridge - network mybridge bridge - gateway mybridge bridge - broadcast
The output is from my configuration, however your address' range can differ, depending on the configuration values you have adopted and the network segment available when the bridge is created.

To activate a specific bridge, you can use the command:

# pot vnet-start -B mybridge
This command will create and configure the network interfaces properly and will activate pf to perform NAT on the virtual network.

NOTE This command is automatically executed when a pot is configured to use the public virtual network. There is no need to run it manually.

The following command will create a pot running on the private internal network:

# pot create -p mypot -t single -b 11.3 -N private-bridge -B mybridge -i auto
# pot run mypot
root@mypot:~ # ping
root@mypot:~ # exit
# pot stop mypot
The auto keyword will automatically select an available address in the internal virtual network and it's the default value, hence the -i option can be omitted. Commands like pot info -p mypot and potnet show -b mybridge will show you exactly which address has been assigned to your pot

If you prefer to assign a specific IP address of your virtual network to your pot, you can just do:

# pot create -p mypot2 -t single -b 11.3 -N private-bridge -B mybridge -i
pot will verify if the IP address is available and free to be used.

Export network services with the internal network

The virtual network is not visible outside the host machine, because it's based on NAT of the pf's NAT. To make your network services running in your pot visible outside the TCP/UDP, desired ports have to be exported/redirected. pot provides a command to tell which port has to be exported.

# pot export-ports -p mypot -e 80 -e 443
The export-ports command will make available the port 80 and 443 outside the virtual network. At start, pot look for an available host port that can be used to redirect the traffic from the host to the virtual network.

To know which port is used, you can use the show command:

# pot start mypot
# pot show -p mypot
pot mypot
    disk usage      : 274M
    virtual memory  : 13M
    physical memory : 4824K

    Network port redirection port 1024 -> port 80 port 1025 -> port 443

To map the network services to a specific port, instead of leaving the decision to pot, the following syntax can be used:

# pot export-ports -p mypot -e 80:30080 -e 443:30443
# pot start mypot
# pot show -p mypot
pot mypot
    disk usage      : 266M
    virtual memory  : 33M
    physical memory : 17M

    Network port redirection port 30080 -> port 80 port 30443 -> port 443
However, there is no guarantee that the chosen ports are available.

Last update: 2020-03-04