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Using pot images

This guide has the ambitious goal of explain how to create pot images, a feature that allows pot to be used with nomad, but it can be useful in other use cases. This guide assumes that you have already installed pot and you are already familiar with it (Installation and Getting started guides).

What is a pot image?

A pot image is a binary blob representing the pot configuration file and it's file system. In more detail, it's a compressed archive containing a ZFS snapshot of a file system.

Create an images pot

The fundamental steps to create an image of a pot container are:

  • create a pot
  • "customize" the pot as needed
  • take a snapshot
  • export the image


export and import support single type pots. Multi-dataset pot are not supported yet.

Create a pot

A pot named test can be created using the command pot create:

# pot create -p test -b 12.0 -N public-bridge -t single

  • -p test : the pot name
  • -b 12.0 : the FreeBSD release version to be used
  • -t single : the pot type. Only single type are supported at the moment for import/export
  • -N public-bridge : the network type (it can be changed during import, but it can be useful to use a network type that is relevant for the use case)

Once the pot named test is created, it's possible to:

  • enter in it and do whatever is needed, for instance install nginx
  • customize its configuration (attributes, starting command, and so on)
# pot run test
root@test:~ # pkg install nginx
root@test:~ # exit
# pot set-cmd -p test -c "nginx -g 'daemon off;'"
# pot set-attr -p test -A no-rc-script -V ON
# pot set-attr -p test -A persistent -V NO
# pot set-rss -p test -C 1

Once you're satisfied with your pot, you can stop it and take a snapshot:

# pot stop test
# pot snapshot -p test

The snapshot can be now exported as an image, with the command export

# pot export -p test -t 1.0

  • -t 1.0: the same image can have multiple version. The option -t allows to provide a tag to the image

The export command can take quite some time, because of the compression step. Once the export command ends, it generates 2 files:

The first file is the image, the second file is a hash file, used by the import command to verify the integrity.

Snapshots management

The export command will create an image if and only if one snapshot is available.
A flag -A has been added to automatically fix the number of available snapshots:

  • if zero snapshots are available, -A will automatically creates one, invoking pot snapshot
  • if two or more snapshots are available, -A will automatically invoke pot purge-snapshots to keep only the last snapshot available

The command pot purge-snapshots deletes all snapshots, except the last one.

Images creation automated with flavours

Flavour is the way we currently provide to automate the customization of a pot. With flavour, it's possible to automatically:

  • apply configuration parameters to your pot
  • execute a bootstrap script

just putting some files in flavour folder (/usr/local/etc/pot/flavours).

In the example above, we customized the pot test via:

# pot run test
root@test:~ # pkg install nginx
root@test:~ # exit
# pot set-cmd -p test -c "nginx -g 'daemon off;'"
# pot set-attr -p test -A no-rc-script -V ON
# pot set-attr -p test -A persistent -V NO
# pot set-rss -p test -C 1

Now we automate those commands in a flavour, called nginx-test. In the flavour folder we create one file for the pot configuration:

# cat /usr/local/etc/pot/flavours/nginx-test
set-attribute -A no-rc-script -V YES
set-attribute -A persistent -V NO
set-rss -C 1

The set-cmd command will be put in a different file, that we can call nginx-test-cmd:

# cat /usr/local/etc/pot/flavours/nginx-test-cmd
set-cmd -c "nginx -g 'daemon off;'"
The bootstrap script, that will be executed inside the jail, would look like this:
# chmod a+x /usr/local/etc/pot/flavours/
# cat /usr/local/etc/pot/flavours/

[ -w /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf ] && sed -i '' 's/quarterly/latest/' /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf
ASSUME_ALWAYS_YES=yes pkg bootstrap
touch /etc/rc.conf
sysrc sendmail_enable="NONE"
pkg install -y nginx
pkg clean -y

The flavour nginx-test can now be used with the create command:

# pot create -p test-flavour -b 12.0 -N public-bridge -t single -f nginx-test -f nginx-test-cmd


To be correctly applied, flavours need a standard command. For this reason, it's a best practice to move the set-cmd command in a separated file, applied at the end

An important note: while the bootstrap script is a shell script, where you can do whatever you want, the pot command usable in a flavour are a small subset:

  • add-dep
  • export-ports
  • copy-in
  • mount-in
  • set-attribute (the abbreviated form set-attr is not recognized here)
  • set-cmd
  • set-env
  • set-rss


The mount-in command has to be used carefully. If the pot will be migrated to a different machine, the folders or the ZFS datasets has to be manually migrated as well

Images registry and import

Once an image is created, we've seen it can be exported:

# pot export -p test -t 1.0
# ls
The image freshly created can now be used to create new pot via the command import:
# pot import -p test -t 1.0 -U file:///path/to/images
===>  importing test @ 1.0 as test_1_0
/var/cache/pot/test_1.0.xz                     174 MB  527 MBps    00s
/var/cache/pot/test_1.0.xz.skein               257  B  598 kBps    00s
===>  Assigning new IP:

  • -p potname : the name of the pot to be imported
  • -t tag: the version of the image to be imported
  • -U URL: the base URL to be used to download the pot image

The command, when executed, will download the image from the URL (caching them to /var/cache/pot and create a new pot called test_1_0 using that image as file system:

# pot info -vp test_1_0
pot name : test_1_0
    type : single
    base : 12.0
    level : 0
    network_type : public-bridge
    ip :
        no ports exported
    active : false
        start-at-boot: NO
        persistent: NO
        no-rc-script: YES
        procfs: NO
        fdescfs: NO
        prunable: NO
        localhost-tunnel: NO
        to-be-pruned: NO
    resource limits:
        max amount cpus: 1
The import process automatically recognizes that the pot uses the public-bridge and assigns a new available IP to the imported pot

Last update: 2020-07-05